投稿者 : 事務局
全く新しいNPOです。 夢は大きく持ちたいものです。
Thank you imsiingace for this wonderful blog this week. I saw so many wonderful and very creative projects. I learned many things along the way and look forward to seeing more.
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That kind of thinking shows you’re on top of your game
Content que ça te plaise! Et oui; je pense que la bonne musique n’a pas vraiment de frontière, je partage une grande variété de sons électro, du hip-hop et dans une moindre mesure des titres Pop-Rock ! Partages le blog si tu peux, je travaille sur une amélioration conséquente de l’interface en plus…
How is it that I am twice as fast as my own ISP? I have a 5Mbps line but I am rated at 9.41Mbps by Youtube. My ISP is rated at 5.17Mbps. I'm confused as for how this is supposed to work out since I test my own line speed to work out to be a little under the 5Mbps speed.